Nursery 2024 - 2025

Mrs White

Mrs White

Nursery Teacher

Welcome to Nursery!

In Nursery we provide a stimulating and exciting environment where the children have access to both indoors and outdoors every day. We aim to develop children into resilient, independent, enthusiastic learners who are willing to have a go, take risks and keep trying. To ensure our environment is engaging, we plan our topics from your child’s interests and through daily assessment we incorporate what your child needs to achieve their individual next steps.

We work and play very hard every day, with a mixture of whole class, small group, 1-1 and individual activities which can be adult or child led. We always have lots of fun and we do like to get messy at times!

We take part in daily phonics sessions and we visit the school library every Friday.

We value the voice of the parent and we love to hear about any exciting achievements your child has made at home.  We use ‘Seesaw’ to share photographs of your child’s learning and you can share home learning with us too!

We look forward to welcoming you into our nursery.

Mrs L White
Nursery Teacher

Miss A Bird
Teaching Assistant

Miss S Gaskell
Teaching Assistant

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