Reception 2024 - 2025
Miss Ironside
Reception Teacher
Welcome to Reception!
In Reception we provide a stimulating and exciting environment where the children have access to both indoors and outdoors each day. To ensure our environment is engaging, we plan our topics from your child’s interests and through daily assessment we incorporate what your child needs to achieve their individual next steps.
We work and play very hard each day, with a mixture of whole class, small group, 1-1 and individual activities which can be adult or child led. We always have lots of fun and we do like to get messy at times!
Our P.E sessions take place on a Monday morning. Please can children come to school in Trainers on Mondays please. These need to be trainers the children can take off and put on independently so velcro is ideal if possible. Please ensure your child has a labelled bag with spare clothes and underwear/ socks in school at all times please. We will send these home if they need to be washed.
We encourage the children in Reception to read every night and we change reading books once a week on Friday. The children also have ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’ to practise at home. We encourage a love for reading and promote a wide range of reading experiences, genres and texts. Children can choose to bring in and share their favourite stories from home with us during our story time each day but please bring one book at a time and depending on how many we have each week it may take a while to share these.
We continue to have an open door policy at the beginning and end of the day where staff will be available to chat and answer general questions. We can also arrange a time for a private phone call / meeting to discuss any questions or queries so please don’t hesitate to ask.
In Reception we aim to create lasting memories and help our children develop a real love for learning. Please access Seesaw to have a look at the activities the children have been busy doing. Feel free to share photo’s via email of the experiences the children enjoy at home too. This provides a good talking point for us and allows the children to share their experiences with us all.
Miss Ironside, Mrs Bowley & Miss Lowe
First Week in Reception
The new Reception class have settled really well into school life. We have been really busy having lots of fun and making new friends. We have been finding out about each other and exploring both inside and out. We have enjoyed doing our daily mile and have had delicious lunch with our friends. We are expert hand washers and have enjoyed learning new songs and listening to stories. The children have all settled in so well and we are really proud of how they have joined in, shared and helped each other. We are looking forward to lots of learning in the next few weeks.