Family Learning

Our Family Learning focus next half term is for parents/ carers with children starting school in September, and those transitioning to Secondary school. These courses are FREE, ONLINE and take place on various times/ dates. Please share with your families and those joining you in September! Details of these courses can also be found here:

Starting Primary School:

Ready Steady School:

2hr Zoom Course (various times/ dates)
Enrol here:
It’s been an unsettling year for lots of families and starting at ‘big’ school can be exciting and daunting for parents and children alike! Come along and learn top tips to get you and your family ‘school ready!”. During this short course you will have the opportunity to explore how to best prepare your child for school including developing an awareness of the Early Years Foundation Stage and reception year.

Create a Story Sack:

Zoom Course- Monday 7th June x 5 weeks, 12:30-2:30pm
Enrol here:
This is a fun, practical online course that will give parents and carers the opportunity to create a ‘Story Sack’ for their child to enjoy at home.  It will give parents the chance to get creative by making games, activities and props to accompany the chosen ‘story book’ and identify how using the contents of the sack helps promote a love of reading and develop a child’s literacy skills. Suitable for parents/ carers of children aged 3-7yrs. FREE resource pack included so you can create your story sack at home!

Look Who’s Talking: Speech & Language:

Zoom course-Thursday 10th June x 4 Weeks. 12:45-2:45pm
Enrol here:
During this free course, you will have the opportunity to explore a range of speaking and listening activities that Early Year’s children are taught, these activities are aimed to develop your awareness as a family about communication skill, including: speaking, listening, interacting and understanding skills at home.
The course uses animal themed games/ activities, (including singing/ rhyme/ craft/ repetition), to encourage and develop speaking and listening skills. You will increase your skills and confidence to support your child’s speech and language development at home.

Closing the Gap; Early Phonics and reading Skills:

Zoom Course- Wednesday 9th June x 5 weeks, 9:30-11:30am
Enrol here:
The unpredictability of this year has meant that lots of parents/ carers are concerned that the Coronavirus lockdown may have impacted their child’s learning. This course aims to help improve the phonics and reading skills of children in Reception and Year 1. Over the 5 weeks, the course will enable you to develop your confidence, knowledge and skills around how you can support your children’s emerging literacy skills. Its full of ideas, activities, games and resources you can use with your children at home. FREE resource pack provided.

Starting Secondary School:

Moving On: Year 7 Maths

2hr Zoom Course- (Various times/ dates)
Enrol here:
Is your child heading to high school or already attends one? Do you struggle to support them in Maths? If you answered yes to either of those questions why not enrol onto Moving to Year 7 Maths. This course allows parents to grasp the key areas in secondary Maths like, Algebra, Trigonometry, Pythagoras theorem, Ratio and proportion. Don’t let all this terminology scare you! This course will guide you step by step in how to tackle questions in these topics and how you can support your child at home. These easy and simplified tutorials will bring out the mathematician in you!

You’ve Got This:

Health and Wellbeing for 8-11yr Olds
Zoom course. Friday 11th June x 3 weeks, 9:30-11:30am
Enrol here:
At a time of constant change and uncertainty, parents, carers, and children are at risk of suffering emotional and mental health challenges. This three-week online course covers practical strategies, tips, activities and ideas to support your child during this unsettling time. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and learn how to further support your child with their wellbeing in a friendly supportive environment.

Please click one of the links below to view details:-

What’s On – ONLINE Family Learning with Lancashire Adult Learning
Our Family Learning team are offering lots of FREE online courses for families across Lancashire to access. Click on the links below to enrol on a course or contact [email protected] for more information

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