Breakfast and After School Club

Below you will find information on our breakfast and after school clubs, with times and costs. Please get in touch via our contact page if you have any questions.

Breakfast Club

There is a breakfast club every morning between 7:30am and 8:45am at a charge of £3.00 per day, which includes a breakfast of cereal, toast and juice.

Places are still available. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Greenwood (Bursar) via the contact page.

After School Club

Come and join us after school every afternoon between 3:15pm and 5:30pm at a charge of £6.00 per session if you book in until 5.30pm. This includes a snack and a varied range of activities. Alternatively children can attend from 3:15pm to 4:15pm at a charge of £3.00 .

Places are still available. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Greenwood (Bursar) via the contact page.