Year 3 2024 - 2025
Miss Kenny
Y3 Teacher
Welcome to Year Three!
In Year Three, we have Maths and English every morning and topic subjects – including our humanities, RE, Computing, PE and Art in the afternoons. In addition, we have daily SPAG (spellings, punctuation and grammar) sessions and guided reading sessions that will link to the reading books you take home or access online each week. P.E takes place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. On these days, children will change into their school PE kits and leave them in school, during term times. Details of the Year Three curriculum is documented in full below.
The children will have reading books and journals sent home and we would greatly appreciate any support you could offer. They will also have access to Oxford Owl reading books online, this website has a vast range of texts, both fiction and non-fiction to support their reading development. Passwords will be sent home in the first few weeks and copies kept in school. Homework will also be provided weekly. In addition to reading resources online – pupils have been signed up to TT Rockstars, which allows them to practise their times tables at home and become more secure at their maths facts, whilst also collecting coins to spend on their personalised avatar.
Please read the ‘Meet the Teacher’ PowerPoint for further details about Year Three. Any details about extra-curricular activities will also be outlined on the school website and app.
We look forward to making further progress in learning with our Year Three class and we will do our upmost to ensure that their education thrives in a safe and happy environment.
Miss R Kenny
Mrs L Jennings
Teaching Assistant