Our busy PTA, works as a link between the school, the parents and the children within the community. The PTA helps organise events, social gatherings, fundraisers and anything that is fun and interesting for the benefit of the school.
Regular PTA meetings are arranged to plan events to raise vital funds for school. Our number of parents attending PTA meetings is growing and we are always looking for more parents to offer their support in planning and delivering school fund-raising events.
Even if you are unable to attend a meeting, we are always very grateful for donated prizes including cakes, biscuits, chocolate raffle prizes sent in to support our events. Whatever you can do to help is always very much appreciated. A huge “THANK YOU” to you all.
Please contact a member of staff if you are able to offer any further support to our PTA.
Money raised by the PTA have helped to fund new outdoor play equipment for the children, as well as some waterproof suits for forest school.