Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mr Lewis

Mr Lewis

Y2 Teacher

Welcome to Year 2! The Year 2 class teacher is Mr Lewis and Mrs Hallam is the class teaching assistant.

Year 2 marks the last year of KS1 and it is a very fun, exciting and busy year.

In Year 2, we feel it is vital for children to develop their independence both academically and socially in preparation for their transition into Key Stage 2. This is encouraged through children taking more responsibility for their belongings, communications and peer interactions. In the classroom, we support this by teaching in whole class groups, where children are expected to listen to instructions and complete activities, with a growing level of independence.

Our lessons are engaging, meaningful and fun and we endeavour to provide many hands-on experiences with the right balance of challenge and support. Children are actively involved in a range of memorable learning experiences which promote creativity, independence and enjoyment. This includes outdoor learning and the use of the woodland area within our school grounds.

We cover an exciting and wide-ranging curriculum in Year 2 and although our timetable consists of daily maths, English and phonics lessons, we feel that other subjects such as PSHE, science, history, R.E, computing, geography, Art, DT and music, all hold equal prominence to the success of our children, and this is reflected in our timetable.

In English, we have daily phonics sessions. We learn to read in a variety of ways, through guided reading, 1-1, peer and whole class reading activities. Reading books are changed every Friday. This allows children to re-read the text several times, building their confidence and fluency. For children, re-reading words and sentences that they can decode (sound out) until they are fluent, is a key part of learning to read.  We encourage children to read every night at home. We also have a vast selection of books in our reading corner that the children have regular access to as we believe that reading enhances vocabulary and stimulates imagination and curiosity. We believe it is vital for learning to be fun and engaging, therefore we regularly play fun, if not a little competitive, times tables/spelling games to inspire a love of learning.

If you require further information, please contact the school office and in the meantime, keep an eye on our page for regular pictures following our journey through Year 2!

Mr G Lewis

Mrs K Hallam
Teaching Assistant

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Year 2: Calendar items

Y2 Library Visit, by Ms Greenwood