Year 6 2024 - 2025
Miss Parsons
Y6 Teacher
Welcome to our Year 6 page. Throughout the school year, we will uploading lots of information and pictures relating to our class activities in order to share our fun and learning with you at home. As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school and arrange for a return phone call at the end of the school day.
The children will be engaging in a full and varied curriculum to show off all of the skills they have learned in prior years and this year itself – the penultimate year for your child/children. We will spend our three terms focusing on varied and interesting topics, which you can find in our MTP downloads below. The children will have PE on a Tuesday morning and just need to make sure they are in suitable footwear for the two-hour session. PE kits will be provided by school and will remain in school for the half term. (Should you wish to have the kit brought home to be washed – this is fine but the kit must come back into school the following day where possible).
Most importantly, however, is the well-being of your child. Please try to ensure that they are getting enough rest and gaining confidence with the Year 6 curriculum and expectations. Encourage them to use the range of web sites that they are familiar with, including Purple Mash, BBC Bitesize, Maths Whizz,, Times Tables Rock stars and Maths Bot.
Each week, pupils will be expected to read daily, learn spellings and complete any tasks that are sent home. We are working hard to ensure that all work set is completed during the course of the lesson, however failure to do so may result in the work being sent home to complete or it will be done the following day during break times – we want to avoid this at all costs.
We are here to help, so any questions please come and see either Miss Robinson or myself and here’s to a great year filled with progress, fun and memories to treasure.
Miss C Parsons
Miss M Robinson
Teaching Assistant
Files to Download
Year 6: News items
Bikeability - Year 3 & 4 on Thursday 13th February 2025, by Mr Roscoe
Dodgeball In The Dark - Wednesday 12th February 2025, by Mr Roscoe