Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mrs Taylor

Mrs Taylor

Y4 Teacher

Welcome to Year 4. The teacher this academic year is Mrs Taylor alongside the teaching assistants, Mrs Scragg and Mrs Orsman.
 Our aim for Year 4 is to increase children’s independence and confidence in what they can achieve at school. Your child will be encouraged to start to think about their own learning.  The most valuable support you can offer with this, is to listen to your child read and practise the times tables and their spellings with them.  Lengthy sessions are not needed, 5-10 minutes 3-4 times a week is enough. This does not need to be a formal session, but could be whilst someone is preparing a meal, walking to or from school or on a car journey. Reading will help to develop your child’s comprehension and spelling skills and, although the times tables are formally tested towards the end of the year, they are an essential part of fluency in mental maths.
Literacy and Numeracy are taught daily , usually in the morning and your child will also participate in Science, History, Geography, RE, Art, French, Music and Design and Technology in the afternoons. PE lessons will be on Tuesdays.  You are welcome to use the PE kit from Year 3 if it still fits, otherwise a plain white T-shirt and navy shorts should be brought in, along with trainers, (which may be worn or a pair left in school). Jewellery should not be worn for PE.
Formal homework may be set when it will support the classroom learning, however there will be weekly home learning challenges available every week for any pupil wishing to take them.  Although optional, a record of pupils attempting these will be kept and the work will be marked.  There will be extra credit in the form of house points and prizes for this work.
Any extra information will be conveyed through the newsletters and messages on the Parentapp, any photos of any of our lessons in school will appear on the website in the “Latest News” section, (scroll to the bottom of the home page).
We are very much looking forward to a year filled with fun, friendship and success.  We want to make sure each child thrives in Year 4 ready for moving to the upper juniors.  If you have any problems or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to one of us.
Mrs N Taylor
Mrs A Scragg
Teaching Assistant
Mrs J Orsman
Teaching Assistant

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Year 4: Calendar items

Y4 Library Visit, by Ms Greenwood