School Meals
A good quality cooked meal is prepared on the premises and provided each day. Parents and children can order from a 3 week menu choice. Dinner money is payable in advance via parentpay. Dinners are currently £2.70 each day or £13.50 per week.
Parents who are unemployed, or on a low income may be entitled to free school meals, you can apply by clicking the link Please speak confidentially with Mrs Greenwood in the office who can assist with applications, as it helps our budget if you apply even if your child does not take a meal every day. From September 2014 the Government introduced universal free school meals for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
Alternatively children may bring a packed lunch to school to eat in the hall. We request that children do not have sweets or fizzy drinks in glass containers.
Children up to their 5th birthday are entitled to milk free of charge. Children in the infant department have the option of having school milk at a small charge each term.